I just needed to get away this week but I only have one week of vacation left and already have that on the calendar for the week after Thanksgiving (I always take that week off to decorate for Christmas … yes, it really does take a week!).
Anyway, my husband arranged to take some time down by the lake to work on a book he’s writing and said, “I wish you could come.” Except for a few calls and emails to keep up with – get caught – up on – I had no appointments on my calendar for this week. So I made sure that I can remotely listen to the office answering machine and that we have good cell coverage and reliable wi-fi; and I packed up my computer and some shorts and t-shirts (shhhhhh, don’t tell anybody I own shorts … the word is just starting to leak out about my one pair of jeans!).
Not every job allows you this kind of freedom, of course; but some of them do, particularly when you’re a trusted team member. It doesn’t hurt to ask. And if you’re a manager or supervisor, think about providing get-away-from-work days for your trusted staff members. Sure, they may play a little but think how much more work they can get done without the knocks on their door or taps on the cubicle wall or overheard conversations or any of those other interruptions that come when you work in an office. Think how much more work they’ll get done because they’re grateful for the gift of time out. Think how much more effective they’ll be because they can return calls while they sit in the sun or see ripples on the lake each time they glance up from their computer!
Worried that your employees will play than work or that you can’t afford anymore time out for mental health breaks. In once sense we have to ask why you have people you can’t trust on your staff anyhow. And can you really not afford to offer opportunities to your best and brightest staff that say to them, “Thank you. I trust you. We’re lucky to have as hard a worker as you are?”
Let us know if you’ve had success with Remote Work Days – how you did it / how you do it.
And we want to hear from those of you who’ve had opportunities to work remotely. What were the best parts?
And if you need to get away but can’t: we’ve got the safe space on our Homepage to vent if you need to.